Odds & Ends

alyssa. caroline. daniela. dee. gracie. hannah. janie. kaitlyn. katherine. kristen. sophia p. molly. sophia m. stephanie. talia.
How-To With Featured Image


Hi everyone!

Okay so Stephanie and Molly did the first posts. I think I told a bunch of people to wait until posting but you can post as much as you like now. New theme is up, and I think I like it. Leave a comment saying what you think. I’m not sure if I should keep the colors that are on right now or change them to something else.

Right! So! I’m going to explain the basics of how wordpress and this site work.

To look at the live site, click the little home icon at the top of the screen that says “Odds & Ends” next to it. If you’re not logged in, (you don’t see a black bar across the top of this screen) then add “/wp-admin” to the end of the URL. You’ll be taken to a login screen. From there you’ll go to a screen that should look something like this:


The home button near the top will take you to the live site. To post, hover over the addition sign with your mouse, then click post on the drop down menu. This is the page you’ll be taken to:

Everything is labeled, so it should be easy enough. Above the writing space is a button that says “add media.” By clicking on this you can upload an image from your computer to the blog library. From here your image can be added to any page or post by any author. At the bottom right is something that says “featured image.” The image you add from here will show up on the blog as the main image with your post, and show up on the home screen slideshow. There’s a certain size it has to be, I’ll go check on that….

Right. The featured image has to be 1140 by 550 or bigger or else things will look weird.

Above the featured image button is a text bar for adding tags. Like hashtags, basically. Above that is a section called categories. As of now we only have one or two, but anyone can add one. Categories can be things like stories, traveling, how-to’s, that type of thing. Posts can be in more than one category, too. To publish your finished post, hit the green “publish” button.


If you’re not fnished, click the “save draft” button. You can come back and finish your post anytime by clicking the “posts” button (has a pushpin icon next to it) on the left side of your screen.

Wow, this was a boring post. Glad I got it out of the way. Go ahead and leave a comment if you have any questions! 🙂


(I really need to find a good closing line, Steph. 😕 )














6 Comment

  1. Woah, look you being all wise and professional. Also I used to have a closing line, I wonder what it was… If you remember, tell me, or even if you could look at the old blog and my posts and text me that would be cool ’cause I can’t look at it anymore. And I’m so excited too!!!! EEEEK! btw love the pic you used

    1. lol thanks. I had to use a random pic cuz none of the other ones were big enough. XD
      I think the next thing I’m going to do is ask my dad to put in a plugin so we can upload profile pics cuz the ones rn are boring 😛
      I think you used to do -Steph <3 but not sure? also you did "thanks for reading! see you later dudes!" in a lot of the ones i checked

      1. Yeah, profile pics would be cool. Also, now that you mention it, I remember saying “see you later dudes” but, ah… not sure I wanna go back to that ha. 🙂 maybe I’ll use -Steph <3 though and figure out some other sign off to add as I go.

  2. daniela this was totally interesting and not at all boring, i learned so much. probably more than i learned in science or social studies honors class this whole year

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