My Attempt To “Teach” 3yr Olds!
So Its, Katherine again with another attempt. Today I started “teaching” or working at my Mom’s summer space camp, for 3yr olds. So there are 12 little kids and 3 “teachers” including me. We are in one room for I think its 4 hours with these little kids. While my brother Will and the other teachers son, Evan hang out and play games all day in the other room. I have to get there an whole hour early to set up actives, then the kids arrive. Today was Moon Monday and we did a bunch of activities that had to do with the moon and read moon books. Some threw fits and cried because there parents had to leave. One kid laid down in the corner for about 30 minutes and cried because he was so sad. Another kid wouldn’t do anything he kept telling me he wanted to play with his brother, who wasn’t at the camp. I had to work a station and keep control of all 12 kids and make sure they did this activity, while my mom and the other teacher worked a paint station. We got to go outside and and theses kids went wild on the playground. One of the girls kept selling “ice cream” or bark to me and when I left she would yell “COME GET ICE CREAM” it was so adorable. I had a kid go play with her so I could help another child. One kid climbed on top of the playground, like how do you even do that when your 3 years old? Some of the girls at the camp are just so cute. They kept going down the slide and talking to me is was so cute. (sorry if I keep saying so cute) And everyone kept asking me to push them on the swings. I could go on for another hour telling you what happened today. But I won’t cause I don’t feel like it right now. But in the end it turned out fine, I mean I’m still alive. I read books to he kids and had them all sit on the rug. It made me happy cause I used to do that in Kindergarten and Preschool. Oh, and we had lunch and snack time. The kids all had bags with lunches, I got to help them with getting their lunch and their snack, I don’t know why but I liked it. Anyways I’m going to stop now, stop talking about these 3yr olds! I think this is the longest post I have ever done so far! And If you are reading this CONGRATS you made it to the end. And I don’t blame you if you skipped through this cause I can see how it might bore someone. Well I have a volleyball scrimmage today against another club. We normally would scrimmage another team in our club but this time its another club so I’m really excited. I also have practice and conditioning, so I have to go. Bye now and have a good day!
-Katherine 🙂
(oh and sorry for any grammar mistakes, I do those a lot)
(also I know my feature image doesn’t really relate to this post but to me it makes sense cause the camp was space themed and its just a little hard to explain so yep, bye now)
Awww they sound adorable and that sounds so fun luckkyyyy
aw that’s so cute!!