Odds & Ends

alyssa. caroline. daniela. dee. gracie. hannah. janie. kaitlyn. katherine. kristen. sophia p. molly. sophia m. stephanie. talia.

My Showcase

Hola! It’s Aly!! Soooo on my first post my good friend Steph asked about my showcase, so yah.

My showcase was actually pretty fantastic. I have never had a performance where in all the shows I felt good about each one, until now. So I’m really happy about that.

We did the “Four Seasons” and I was a blizzard in Winter for contemporary and a firework in Summer for ballet. I was obsessed with my dances, because let’s be honest my studio totally spoiled my group for this show. Who the hay knows why.

For blizzard we had this fake snow that we took handfuls of before walking on stage, and then during the dance we randomly through some of the snow up in the air. Then we had some more of that fake snow coming down from above, and it was just awesome. The only problem was the snow got EVERYWHERE, so it was like stuck in our hair and on our skin. That made it a smiggle hard to get ready for ballet since you have to put tights on and do your hair up in a bun.

For fireworks, our dance was inspired by the NYCB’s Star Spangled Banner. Not only was the choreography some of my favorite choreo EVER, but also in the middle of the dance a giant flag came down and firework animations were projected on to the sides of the theater where the audience was seated. It was sooo FREAKIN COOL.

Soo, yahhh. I hope that was a good explanation for my showcase and feelings about it.

I’m thinking for my next post, that I should maybe tell you guys about my Summer reading, because I made a goal for the amount of books I read, but idk. Sorry for the bad grammar! Peace <3

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