A Fruitatarian
Hey guys. So sometimes I wish I could become vegetarian because some meats or fish just make me feel bad with like the texture and such. However, I’m not at huge veggie person and I used to be even less of one, so I used to joke that I would become a “fruitatarian”. I eat more veggies than I used to but I think it would be too hard for me to do. Also, I really love bacon, and I could probably live without if I didn’t think about it, but still. I also like ham, too. I wish I could become a vegetarian or vegan when I hear about the animal conditions and such, how they just breed and kill which is so sad. This is supposed to be a rant but it’s more informative than that, so oh well. I’m trying to eat a bit healthier but it’s hard to change your habits, especially eating something like pretzels or goldfish and just munching a bunch of them. Also, I couldn’t really become vegetarian/greatly change my diet now because my mom cooks dinner for five most of the time and she can’t be making an extra different option for me, and I don’t really want to do that either. I would probably have to start buying my own groceries for meals and it’s a bit earlier than I really want to do that. I guess if you have any suggestions on how I could start working on that (I guess I could try to eat less meats or something) comment them please. Also if you have any rant ideas for me that would be useful. I’m really in a ranting mood, at least I don’t have something I specifically feel like ranting about. See you guys later.
-Steph <3
Huh cool. I don’t think I could ever become a vegetarian. I just really like meat. I do have an idea for u for eating healthier, like fruits instead of pretzels and goldfish and stuff.
Sometimes it’s easier to have everything ready. Like if I had to choose between pretzels or strawberries I’d probably choose pretzels because I’m too lazy to wash the strawberries and cut off the tops and stuff. Same with celery, which I really like. So u could just wash everything at one time and have it ready in your fridge for whenever u want it. Also! If you want to eat less meat you could also have like a day a week where you prepare a bunch of meatless meals to put in the fridge, so when your mom cooks she can just cook for one less person and all you have to do is pop a meal out of the fridge and microwave it.
smart! yeah i like jersey mikes and sandwiches too much to become a vegetarian
ah yeah i love subs dang it. I’ll probably just try to be healthier
yeah that’s not really problem for me, it’s usually washed off, I’m just used to grabbing something and munching on it I think. Yeah that meal thing sounds like a good idea don’t know if I’ll actually do it but thanks
I agree Stpeh!!!
I mean Steph! 😂😂😂
haha and cool