Odds & Ends

alyssa. caroline. daniela. dee. gracie. hannah. janie. kaitlyn. katherine. kristen. sophia p. molly. sophia m. stephanie. talia.

I’ve returned and now I’m feeling all deep because I’ve just read Alyssa’s post.

I’ve returned and now I’m feeling all deep because I’ve just read Alyssa’s post. Oh, hey guys! I hope you guys are all doing well. I honestly don’t know what to say right now. Did you know 48% of teenagers identify as something other than heterosexual? It’s true. At least, I think it is. Someone took a survey and it sounded pretty reliable. That actually came up when I was googling how much water is in a grape. Well I mean technically it was when I searched “how much”, but hopefully you get it. I feel like ranting about something deep, but it doesn’t just happen on command, you know? So maybe something will come up when I’m thinking about it. Oh, in case anyone was wondering, 81% of a grape is water. I think. Also, I saw an add on youtube (it’s for youtubered, bleh) and it was for a show called The Thinning, or maybe a movie I’m not quite sure. It’s a dystopian-type thing, where at a certain age, you have to take a test that sees how smart you are and if you don’t pass/aren’t smart enough, you get killed in the Thinning. It’s on youtube red though, like I said so maybe if I did the trial I could watch it in that time (and then cancel it afterwards). It looked really good. And there’s a couple other things I’ve seen on youtube red that I want to watch, so maybe I will do that. I guess I’m not going to talk about anything deep today. Maybe another day. Or a rant, that would be nice… Well see you guys later!


4 Comment

  1. Yay you’re back! I thought this was molly’s post for a sec until I got to the end bc she normally posts in 2s, ha. Sorry.
    I watched the thinning, actually! Well, half of it. I got kinda bored. Not because it was an overly bad movie. It was cool. Well, a little over the top. But it was interesting.

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