The Maze Runner Series Is Crushing and Refreshing My Soul
Yes, I am obsessed, and I am not ashamed.
I have conflicting feelings on this topic because I am emotionally scarred by it, but I liked it.
^Ron gets me. (Emma’s eye roll tho)
I’m not going to try to explain all of it, because it’s complicated and bleh, so you are just going to have to take my word that it is amazing and interesting. ALSO
^This is the freaking frick that screwed up my freaking soul. He’s THE BEST. I wish I could tell you all of his wonderful qualities, but alas, it would take too many pages. Also, his relationship with his sister is ADORABLE AND THIS DUDE RIGHT HERE MADE ME CRY NINE TIMES AND COUNTING LIKE STOP SCREWING WITH MY EMOTIONS THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANT. THIS IS NOT WHAT I PLANNED. (did anyone get that hsm reference?).
“The boy knew he should be the one with courage; he should be the one comforting his little sister. Don’t you worry, Lizzy. The basement is locked up tight; the lights are off. The bad people won’t even know we’re here. But he always found himself speechless. He’d hug her hard, squeezing her like his own personal teddy bear for comfort. And every time, she’d pat him on the back. He loved her so much it made his heart hurt. He’d squeeze her tighter, silently swearing he’d never let the crazies hurt her, looking forward to feeling the flat of her palm thumping him between his shoulder blades. Often, they fell asleep that way, curled up in the corner of the basement, on top of the old mattress his dad had dragged down the stairs. Their mother always put a blanket over them, despite the heat— her own rebellious act against the Flare, which had ruined everything.”
^excerpt from The Fever Code about Newt and his sister
^This hottie right here is about as stupid as a pinecone. He’s good with math and puzzles and stuff, but HE CAN’T SEEM TO NOTICE ANYTHING. HE HAD A DREAM THAT REVEALED THIS HUGE IMPORTANT THING, AND HIS FIRST RESPONSE IS, “Why would history thank these people? What could all of this mean?” AND IM JUST LIKE USE COMMON SENSE DUMB BUTT! But it’s all good. EXCEPT FOR PAGE 250 I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM. (don’t look it up cuz HUGE spoilers)
^THIS LITTLE SASS A FRASS IS FEEDING MY SARCASTIC SOUL. Love him. He’s not as amazing and hufflepuffy as Newt, but I still love ’em.
These guys are known as the “Ivy Trio” and I LOOOOOOOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP (i ship minewt lowkey). Now my friends, go have your heart torn out and be happy about it by reading tmr. GO! <3
aw yay!
I’m fangirling so hard right now imma have a laugh/heart/asthma attack from it
aw yay!
OF COURSE i got that hsm reference!! puh-lease. When you said hufflepuff-y as newt, you meant Maze Runner newt, right? I’d assume so, but it kinda confused me a little since there’s too newts lol. Also Minho sounds great just from you calling him a sass-a-frass
lol yeah, tmr newt. I have an affinity for fictional huffepuffs named Newt