Update With Featured Image

I am still alive.

Hey everybody. BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I am still alive. I recently remembered we had a blog. Ever since I went to Orlando in June I forgot about the blog. And 2 months later I am back. Ugh I feel kinda bad about totally forgetting about it. So if you care to listen to what I have […]

Update With Featured Image

short update

There’s really no one reading this, so I might as well be talking to myself. But I’ve been trying to write another scene for my novel for an hour now without much luck. So here I am. A short list of what I’ve been up to lately: my cousins and grandparents visited and we went […]



Hey wazzup? The blog is very much dead but I’ve decided to post anyway as probably a lot has happened since I last posted. So, update: I went to the beach for a week I went to a baking camp for a week (Oh my gosh the cheesecake we made was sooo good) RIVERDALE OH […]


A Bit of Disapointment

Hey I haven’t been on the blog for a couple days and I was like oh, yeah, I’ll have some blog posts to read! And then there was just one. And although I did love the post full of Barney gifs, I’m a bit disapointed. Oh well. Might most a longer post soon. Cya.


2 A.M. Feelings

i’m crying while listening to old One Direction songs cause that music is actually the best thing ever and thinking about my nonexistent future with my crush. ain’t my life great, he’s been ignoring me on snapchat and i want to play truth or dare with him again at 1 am and now im gonna […]


Steph’s Tip of The Day

Okay so I don’t know if this is a super well-known tip or something but I’m gonna share it with you anyway ’cause I just found out about it and it works. You know when you get an a beautiful, clean, crisp new book and there’s a sticker on it? Then you have to take […]